Logger pro 3 download
Logger pro 3 download

Collect data from a variety of sources, including LabQuest 2, LabQuest Mini, LabPro, WDSS, spectrometers, Ohaus balances, ProScope HR, and more.Supports over 80 Vernier sensors for real-time graphing and analysis.Logger Pro Screenshot of an acid-base titration.Develop your own experiment files to match your curriculum.Includes over 1,000 experiment files supported by our library of lab books.Write labs in Logger Pro or export data to Word or Excel.

#Logger pro 3 download manual

  • Manual configuration mode for IB courses.
  • Time of day and date stamps for graphing.
  • Calculated columns allow you to graph new quantities such as kinetic energy.
  • Play back movies synced to sensor data.
  • Capture videos from DV cameras and web cameras.
  • Extract data from movies using frame-by-frame video analysis.
  • Model data with user-adjustable functions.
  • XY graphs, log graphs, double-Y graphs, strip charts, and FFT graphs.
  • logger pro 3 download

    Read values and slope from graphs using examine and tangent line tools.Lay out graphs, tables, and text as needed across multiple pages to describe your experiment.Manually enter data for graphing and analysis.

    logger pro 3 download

    Use a variety of data-collection modes, as needed, for your experiment: time-based data, selected events, events with typed-in entries, photogate, radiation counting, and more.Draw predictions on a graph before collecting data.Collect live data from more than 80 different sensors and devices.Logger Pro is award-winning, data-collection and analysis software for Windows and Mac computers.

    Logger pro 3 download